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generating development

Flumen Durius


The project "Flumen Durius" has been developed from 2017 to 2019 to protect and activate the Douro River's cultural and natural heritage as cross-border economic base support.

Its objectives are:

  • Propose sustainable models to conserve the rich tangible and intangible heritage of the Douro/Douro.

  • Strengthen the joint image and tourist services around the river, using ICT and social networks.

  • Promote sustainable and quality tourism based on the cultural and landscape heritage of the riverside municipalities.

Partners: Zamora City Council, Agrupación Empresarial Innovadora para la Construcción Eficiente (AEICE), Câmara Municipal de Miranda do Douro, Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD), Asociación Ibérica de Municipios Ribereños del Duero (AIMRD) and Santa María la Real Foundation.

Total budget: 1,773,732.16 €, of which 75% is co-financed by the ERDF through the Interreg V-A Spain-Portugal program (POCTEP).